module yeti.lang.std

Yeti standard library.

Module signature

Logical and comparison operators
(!=) a b is 'a → 'a → boolean,
Returns true when a and b values are not equal (and false otherwise).

It is internally implemented on most data types using .equals() method on the corresponding JVM value.
a-first value
b-second value
(<) a b is ^j → ^j → boolean,
Returns true when a value is less than b value (and false otherwise).

It is internally implemented on most data types using Comparable.compareTo() method on the corresponding JVM value.
a-first value
b-second value
(<=) a b is ^k → ^k → boolean,
Returns true when a value is less than or equal to b value (and false otherwise).

It is internally implemented on most data types using Comparable.compareTo() method on the corresponding JVM value.
a-first value
b-second value
(==) a b is 'l → 'l → boolean,
Returns true when a and b values are equal (and false otherwise).

It is internally implemented on most data types using .equals() method on the corresponding JVM value.
a-first value
b-second value
(>) a b is ^m → ^m → boolean,
Returns true when a value is greater than b value (and false otherwise).

It is internally implemented on most data types using Comparable.compareTo() method on the corresponding JVM value.
a-first value
b-second value
(>=) a b is ^n → ^n → boolean,
Returns true when a value is greater than or equal to b value (and false otherwise).

It is internally implemented on most data types using Comparable.compareTo() method on the corresponding JVM value.
a-first value
b-second value
and a b is boolean → boolean → boolean,
Logical conjunction of a and b.
a-first value
b-second value
not value is boolean → boolean,
Logical negation of the value.
value-logical value
or a b is boolean → boolean → boolean,
Logical disjunction of a or b.
a-first value
b-second value
same? a b is 'dj → 'dj → boolean,
Identity check - returns true when a and b reference to the same object instance (and false otherwise).
a-first value reference
b-second value reference


It is equivalent to Java == operator (barring primitive values, which don't exist in Yeti anyway).
Generic collection functions
at collection key is map<'_r, '_s> → '_r → '_s,
Array/hash subscription operator collection[key] as function. Returns element at corresponding key (index).
collection-array or hash table
key-array index or hash table key

Exceptions thrown

NoSuchKey-if the key doesn't exist in the given collection


 numbers = [1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three"];
 println (map (at numbers) [3, 1]); // ["three","one"]
copy collection is ('an is map<'_al, '_am>) → 'an,
Returns a new copy of the given collection.
collection-a list, array or hash map
delete collection key is map<'_ar, '_as> → '_ar → (),
Deletes the index/key and it's associated value from the collection. Does nothing if the given key/index doesn't belong to the collection.
collection-array or hash map
key-array index or hash map key
deleteAll collection keylist is map<'_at, '_au> → list?<'_at> → (),
Deletes from the collection all keys/indexes (together with their associated values) existing in the given keylist. Keylist elements that are not collection keys are ignored.
collection-array or hash map
keylist-list of indexes/keys to be removed from the collection


 a = array ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
 deleteAll a [1, 3];
 println a; // outputs ["a","c","e"]
empty? collection is map<'_aw, '_ax> → boolean,
Checks whether a collection is empty, and returns true when it is.

This function works on all kinds of standard collections - lists, arrays and hashes implement the map<> interface.
collection-collection to check
in key map is 'bp → map<'bp, '_bq> → boolean,
Checks whether a key exists in the given hash map or array.
key-key value (or array index) to search for
map-hash map or array to be checked


 h = ['a': 11, 'b': 22];
 printKey k =
     if k in h then
         println "h[\(k)] = \(h[k])"
         println "\(k) doesn't exist"
 printKey 'b'; // prints h[b] = 22
 printKey 'c'; // prints c doesn't exist
length collection is map<'_by, '_bz> → number,
Returns count of elements in collection.
collection-a list, array or hash map


For list or array it's length is returned, and for hash map the number of key-value pairs in that hash map. The length function can also be applied to Java arrays (for example length new int[10]), as Yeti compiler wraps these automatically into lists on function arguments.
swapAt map i j is map<'_dv, '_dw> → '_dv → '_dv → (),
Swaps two array/hash map element values stored at indexes i and j.
map-array or hash table


The canonical implementation is following:
 swapAt map i j =
    (tmp = map[i];
     map[i] := map[j];
     map[j] := tmp);
Array functions
array init is list?<'q> → array<'q>,
Creates a new array containing elements from the init list.
init-elements in this list will be added into the new array


Create an empty array and add some value:
 someArray = array [];
 push someArray "test";

Create an array containing some given elements:
 numbers = array [1..5];
clearArray array is array<'_x> → (),
Removes all elements from the array, leaving it empty.
array-the array to clear
pop array is array<'_df> → '_df,
Pops and returns the last value from the array, like removing the top element from stack.
array-an array to be popped

Exceptions thrown

yeti.lang.EmptyArrayException-if the array is empty
push array value is array<'_dg> → '_dg → (),
Pushes a value into the array behind last element, increasing the array size by one. Together with the pop function it allows treating the array like a stack.
array-an array where to push the value
value-value to be added to the array
setArrayCapacity array count is array<'_dk> → number → (),
Preallocates the array storage for at least the given element count, so pushing elements later would not cause reallocating and coping the internal storage. Does nothing, if the storage already has capacity for the required number of elements.
array-array where to set the capacity
count-the maximum number of total elements that the array should be able to store without further reallocations
shift array is array<'_dn> → '_dn,
Shifts the first value off from the array and returns it, moving all other elements towards the start.
array-an array to be shifted

Exceptions thrown

yeti.lang.EmptyArrayException-if the array is empty


The contents of array is not moved internally. Instead of it the first element is just hidden. This makes the shift operation O(1) fast, but leaves the shifted entries internally used (at least until the internal storage is resized, for example by push having insufficient space available).
slice array start end is array<'_do> → number → number → array<'_do>,
Returns a copy of slice of the given array, from start index to the end index.
array-an array to be used
start-the slice start index (inclusive) in the array
end-the slice end index (exclusive) in the array
Hash map functions
clearHash map is hash<'_y, '_z> → (),
Removes all entries from the hash map, leaving it empty.
map-the hash map to clear
concurrentHash () is () → hash<'ag, 'ah>,
Creates a concurrent hash map (which can be safely used by multiple threads without synchronizing).
()-an unit value


Implementation uses java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.
customHash constructor is (() → ~java.util.Map) → hash<'ao, 'ap>,
Creates a hash map backed with some custom implementation (which instances are created by appling the given constructor).
constructor-a function creating the java.util.Map instance to be used
forHash hash block is hash<'_bh, '_bi> → ('_bh → '_bi → ()) → (),
Iterates over hash map, calling the block function for each hash map entry with key and value as arguments.
hash-hash map to iterate
block-function to call


Print each hash map key-value pair on separate line.
 h = ['test': 54, 'that': 42];
 forHash h do k v:
    println "\(k): \(v)\n";
forJavaMap map block is ~java.util.Map → (~java.lang.Object → ~java.lang.Object → ()) → (),
Iterates over Java map, calling the block function for each map entry with key and value as arguments.
map-java.util.Map instance to iterate
block-function to call


 forJavaMap System#getProperties() do name value:
    println {name, value}
Prints system properties.
hash list is list?<'_bk> → hash<'_bk, ()>,
Creates a hash mapping from given list elements to unit values (you can think of it being a set). As the hash map is essentially unordered, the ordering that was present in the given list will be lost.
list-values to use as hash keys


 hash [11, 22] == [11: (), 22: ()]
identityHash () is () → hash<'bn, 'bo>,
Creates an identity hash map, where keys are compared by their object instance identies (like the same? function does).
()-an unit value
insertHash destination source is hash<'_bs, '_bt> → hash<'_bs, '_bt> → (),
Inserts all source map entries to the destination hash map. Entries with matching key in both maps will be replaced in the destination (with ones from the source).
destination-hash map where to insert the source entries
source-hash map where to take the entries


The insertHash function could be implemented with following code:
 insertHash destination source =
     forHash source do key value:
         destination[key] := value

The library implementation uses internally java.util.Map#putAll().
keys hash is hash<'_bv, '_bw> → list<'_bv>,
Returns list of hash map keys.
hash-the hash map
mapHash function hash is ('cj → 'ck → 'cl) → hash<'cj, 'ck> → list?<'cl>,
Applies the function to each key-value pair in the given hash map, and returns a list of the values returned by these applications. The order of elements in the returned list is undefined.
function-function to apply to the hash map key-value pairs
hash-a hash map


 mapHash (_ k v = "\(k):\(v)") ['a':1,'b': 3,'c': 5]
May have the following result:
 ["b:3","c:5","a:1"] is list?<string>
mapIntoHash getKey getValue sequence is ('cm → '_cn) → ('cm → '_co) → list?<'cm> → hash<'_cn, '_co>,
Creates a new hash map populated with key-value pairs derived from the sequence elements by application of getKey and getValue functions.
getKey-function to derive hash map key from the sequence element
getValue-function to derive hash map value from the sequence element
sequence-list or array to use for creating the hash map


The canonical implementation is following:
 mapIntoHash getKey getValue sequence =
    (result = [:];
     for sequence do element:
         result[getKey element] := getValue element
setHashDefault hash function is hash<'_dl, '_dm> → ('_dl → '_dm) → (),
Sets a given default value function for the hash map.
hash-hash map
function-default value function


If non-existing key is requested from the hash map (using [] subscription operator or at function), the default value function is applied to the requested key, and the result of application will be returned as if it had been in the hash map.

If the default value function is not set, the hash maps behave like having one that throws the NoSuchKeyException. Explicitly setting it using this (setHashDefault) function overrides this behaviour.


Memoization can be implemented using setHashDefault:
 fibs = [0: 0, 1: 1];
 setHashDefault fibs do x:
     res = fibs[x - 1] + fibs[x - 2];
     fibs[x] := res;
 println fibs[100]; // prints 354224848179261915075

This example uses memoization to speed up the naive recursive fibonacci numbers calculation algorithm (although using a iterative algorithm would have been even more effective).
weakHash () is () → hash<'ee, 'ef>,
Creates a weak hash map, that automatically discards entries when the key values are garbage collected (and doesn't hold strong references to the key values).
()-an unit value
List and sequence functions
(++) a b is list?<'b> → list?<'b> → list<'b>,
Appends two sequences a and b lazily, returns the resulting list.
a-first sequence (list or array)
b-second sequence (list or array)


The list append operator creates a lazy list, which copies the first sequence on the fly (as elements are requested), and when it ends, gives the second sequence as the list tail.

If first sequence (a) is an infinite list, then the result is equivalent to it.

If the second sequence (b) is an array, and is later mutated, then the resulting list will see the modified array as its tail (use copy function to get an independent copy).


 for ([1..4] ++ [13..15]) println;

Prints numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15. No list containing those numbers is never allocated (as lazy ranges are lazily appended).


The created lazy list head holds references to both concatenated list heads. When the resulting list is iterated (tail is requested), the next element from first list is requested using next() method on the internal list object (when end of first list is reached, then the second list is given directly as a tail). This means that left folding (++) will result in actual Java call stack depth porpotional to the (++) nesting depth on the left side.
 x = tail (((([1] ++ [2]) ++ [3]) ++ [4]) ++ [5]);
In the above example five ++ operators are nested by left side, resulting call stack depth of 5 for the concatenation (without parenthesis the ++ operators would associate on the right side). This can cause problems when deep nesting is created, for example the following naive implementation of concat will likely result in throwing StackOverflowError:
 concat = fold (++) [];
 concat (map \[1] [1..10000]);
The library implementation of concat doesn't use (++) internally for this reason.
(:.) value function is 'h → (() → list?<'h>) → list<'h>,
Constructs a new list from head value and function that would return the tail list. The function will be applied once, when the list tail is requested for the first time. This allows creating lazy and possibly infinite lists or streams.
value-value used as new list head
function-function that would return the list tail, when applied to unit value
(::) value list is 'i → list?<'i> → list<'i>,
Constructs a new list by prepending value to tail list.
value-value to be prepended
list-list used as tail of the constructed list


The following expressions result in equivalent lists.
 a :: [b, c] == [a, b, c]
all predicate sequence is ('o → boolean) → list?<'o> → boolean,
Returns true, if the predicate function returns true for all elements of the given sequence or the sequence is empty. The false value is returned otherwise (predicate is false for one or more sequence elements).
predicate-function that returns true or false for sequence element
sequence-list or array to be scanned
any predicate sequence is ('p → boolean) → list?<'p> → boolean,
Returns true if and only if there exists a sequence element, for which the predicate function returns true. A false value is returned otherwise (empty sequence or predicate is false for all sequence elements).
predicate-function that returns true or false for sequence element
sequence-list or array to be scanned
avoid predicate sequence is ('u → boolean) → list?<'u> → 'u,
Returns first element of the sequence, for which the predicate returns false, or the last element, when the predicate is true for all elements of the sequence.
predicate-function that returns true for elements to avoid
sequence-sequence of values (array or list)

Exceptions thrown

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException-if the given sequence is empty


 avoid (== '') [userOpt, systemOpt, defaultOpt]
catSome sequence is list?<None. 'v | Some. 'w> → list<'w>,
Returns a lazy list containing values without variant tags from the Some elements in the given sequence.
sequence-list or array of Some or None variants


 catSome [Some 3, None (), Some 1, Some 4, None ()] // gives [3, 1, 4]


The resulting list is created lazily, when consumed, and the sequence given as argument is lazily consumed as needed for producing the result list. The order of sequence elements is preserved in the result.
collect generator argument end is ('ab → 'ac) → 'ab → ('ac → boolean) → list<'ac>,
Collects values from applications of the generator function to the given argument, until application of the end predicate to generated value yields true. The collected values are returned as a list.
generator-a function returning a new value on each application
argument-argument to give to the generator function
end-a predicate function, which on application to a generated value returns true, if no more values should be collected


Collect lines from standard input strictly to list:
 input = collect readln () ((not) . defined?);

Collect words from string using like pattern match function:
 str = 'A lot of weird functions.';
 words = collect (like '\w+' str) () empty? |> map head;
 println words; // ["A","lot","of","weird","functions"]
concat sequence is list?<list?<'ad>> → list<'ad>,
Creates and returns a lazy list concatenating a sequence of sequences (flattening it).
sequence-a sequence of sequences


The elements of sequences in the given sequence argument are all concanated together in the same order. The resulting list is created lazily, as consumed (and the concat argument is also consumed lazyly, as needed).

The result is affected (and unspecified), when array(s) are given as concat argument and mutated before consuming the resulting list. A strict result list or array can be created by applying copy or array function to the lazy list returned by concat (for example (copy . concat)).


 concat [[3..6], [5..7], [4]]
The result is [3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 4].
concatMap function sequence is ('ae → list?<'af>) → list?<'ae> → list<'af>,
Maps a function over the sequence and concatenates the results. Shorthand for (concat . map function).
function-function applied to the sequence elements
sequence-list or array to be processed
contains? value sequence is 'ak → list?<'ak> → boolean,
Returns true if and only if the sequence contains element equal to the given value. If there is no such element, false is returned. Equality is checked as defined by the (==) operator.
value-value to search from the sequence
sequence-list or array to be searched
drop n sequence is number → list?<'av> → list<'av>,
Returns the suffix of the sequence (as list) omitting first n sequence elements. An empty list is returned, if n is equal or greater than the length of the sequence.
n-how many elements to drop from the start of the sequence
sequence-initial list or array


The suffix is returned without copying it. When the drop function is used on an array, a list view of the array is returned, consisting of all elements starting from index n. As the list view still references to the original array, it will change when the array is modified (use copy function to get an independent copy).

The drop function is constant-time operation on lists backed by arrays.
filter predicate sequence is ('az → boolean) → list?<'az> → list<'az>,
Returns a lazy list containing all those sequence elements, for which the predicate function returns true.
predicate-function that returns true or false for sequence element
sequence-list or array to filter


 filter (_ v = v % 2 == 1) [1..10] // gives odd numbers [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]


The resulting list is created lazily, when consumed, and the sequence given as argument is lazily consumed as needed for producing the result list. The order of sequence elements is preserved in the result.
find predicate sequence is ('ba → boolean) → list?<'ba> → list<'ba>,
Finds a sequence element, for which the predicate function returns true and returns the sequence tail starting from that element, or empty list when the given predicate isn't true for any list element.
predicate-function that returns true for the searched value
sequence-list or array to be searched


 find (== 3) [1..5] // gives a list [3, 4, 5]
fold function value sequence is ('be → 'bf → 'be) → 'be → list?<'bf> → 'be,
Takes value and first element of the sequence and applies the given function to them, then repeats with following sequence elements, using the result from previous application as the new value. Returns the result of last application (or initial value when empty sequence was given).
function-two-argument function used for folding
value-initial value
sequence-list or array to fold


 fold function value [a, b, c]

is equivalent to:
 ((value `function` a) `function` b) `function` c

Calculate a sum of sequence:
 sum l = fold (+) 0 l;

Calculate a factorial:
 factorial n = fold (*) 1 [1..n];

The fold function could be implemented in the following way:
 fold function value sequence =
     case sequence of
     x :: xs: fold function (function value x) xs;
     _: value;
for sequence block is list?<'bg> → ('bg → ()) → (),
Iterates over sequence, applying the block function to the element value for each sequence element.
sequence-list or array to iterate
block-function to call


Print numbers from 1 to 100, using for on range list.
 for [1..100] do i:
     println i
groupBy predicate sequence is ('bj → 'bj → boolean) → list?<'bj> → list<list<'bj>>,
Returns a list of lists, where each sublist contains only equal elements, and the concatenation of the result is equal to the original sequence. Elements are considered equal, when the given predicate function is true for them.
predicate-function that returns true for values considered equal
sequence-list or array to be processed


 groupBy (==) [1,1,0,2,0,0,0,3] == [[1,1],[0],[2],[0,0,0],[3]]
index value sequence is 'br → list?<'br> → number,
Returns 0-based index of the first sequence element, which equals to the given value (using == for equality), or -1 when no element is found.
value-value to search for
sequence-list or array to be searched


 index 'apples' ['oranges', 'apples', 'rats'] // returns 1
iterate first function is ('bu → 'bu) → 'bu → list<'bu>,
Returns an infinite lazy list, where each following element is result of appling the function to the value of the element before it. The first element value is given.
first-value of the first element in the returned list
function-function to apply to derive the next element value


The result of iterate f x is the following infinite list:
 [x, f x, f (f x), f (f (f x)), ...]

If addition is used as the function, the result is incrementing sequence:
 take 10 (iterate (+1) 0) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
list collection is map<'_ca, '_cb> → list<'_cb>,
Gives values from collection as a list.
collection-a list, array or hash map


List is returned as is. A list view is returned for an array (implementation wise just a type cast), so it will change when the original array is modified. Differently from array, an independent list consisting of values from the key-value pairs is created and returned when the collection is a hash map.

Either returned list or collection given as argument should be explicitly copied (using copy function), if you want to store the result for later usage and the original collection might change.

Relying on the mutating list-view of an array is best to be avoided - having direct reference to the original collection is more straight-forward solution.
map function sequence is ('cc → 'cd) → list?<'cc> → list<'cd>,
Returns a list [function(a), function(b), ...] for sequence [a, b, ...] by applying the function to each element of the sequence (either lazily or strictly).
function-function applied to the sequence elements
sequence-list or array to be processed


A lazy list is returned when applied on normal list. Full result is not calculated in this case on application, but lazily as the result is consumed by caller. Arrays and lists backed by arrays are mapped strictly.

You should ALWAYS use the strict map' instead, if the mapping function has side effects, as it's not determined whether the function is applied by map on some sequence element when map was called, some time later or even never at all (if the result list was not consumed).
map' function sequence is ('ce → 'cf) → list?<'ce> → list<'cf>,
Returns strict list [function(a), function(b), ...] for sequence [a, b, ...] by applying the function to each element of the sequence.
function-function applied to the sequence elements
sequence-list or array to be processed


It is similar to map function, but never creates a lazy list. The map' is usually faster than map on lists, unless huge streams are processed or most of the resulting list is not used. It works identically to map on arrays.
map2 function first second is ('cg → 'ch → 'ci) → list?<'cg> → list?<'ch> → list<'ci>,
Returns a lazy list where each element is result of appling the function to corresponding elements in the given first and second sequences. Excess elements at the end of longer sequence will be ignored.
function-function applied to the sequence elements
first-first list or array to be used
second-second list or array to be used


Coupled with the pair function, two lists could be merged into single one containing corresponding pairs:
 pairs = map2 pair [1..3] ['apple', 'orange', 'cat', 'rock'];
 for pairs println;

The second line (for pairs println;) prints the pairs created by the pair function used with map2:
 {fst=1, snd="apple"}
 {fst=2, snd="orange"}
 {fst=3, snd="cat"}


The resulting list is created lazily, when consumed, and the sequence given as argument is lazily consumed as needed for producing the result list.
mapJavaList function collection is (~java.lang.Object → 'cp) → ~java.util.Collection → list<'cp>,
Returns a list of elements obtained by applying the function to each element of the Java collection.
function-function applied to list elements
collection-java.util.Collection instance (may be null, empty list is returned in this case)
nub sequence is list?<'_cw> → list<'_cw>,
Returns non-duplicate elements of the sequence as a list. This means that no element in the returned list is equal to some other element (as defined by ==) in this list. The original ordering of the sequence is not preserved.
sequence-list or array to be processed
revAppend first second is list?<'dh> → list<'dh> → list<'dh>,
Returns a list consisting of the first list elements in reverse order, and with the second list appended as a tail (without coping it).
first-list or array to be reversed (must be finite)
second-list to be appended to the reversed first sequence


 revAppend [1..3] [4..6] == [3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6]
reverse sequence is list?<'di> → list<'di>,
Returns a list containing the sequence elements in reverse order.
sequence-list or array to be reversed (must be finite)


 reverse [1..5] == [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]


Using reverse on range is constant-time operation, as a special reverse range is returned (instead of creating a list containing all the range elements).
sort sequence is list?<^dp> → list<^dp>,
Returns as list the sequence sorted in ascending order according to the order defined by the (<) comparision operator.
sequence-list or array to be sorted (not modified by sort function)


The original sequence is copied and sorted using java.util.Arrays#sort(Object[]) method. The sequence elements are required to be of ordered type (^a). The result should be similar to using sortBy (<), although the sort function works usually faster.


 sort [3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3] == [1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,6,9]
sortBy compare sequence is ('dq → 'dq → boolean) → list?<'dq> → list<'dq>,
Returns as list the sequence sorted according to the compare function. The returned list will be ordered in such manner, that compare x y returns false for any list elements x and y, where y is before x. The behaviour of sortBy is undefined, if the compare function doesn't define total ordering.
compare-function to compare two elements ((<) gives ascending order)
sequence-list or array to be sorted (not modified by sortBy function)


 sortBy (<) [3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3] == [1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,6,9]


Current implementation uses merge sort algorithm. Stable sorting is not guaranteed.
splitAt n sequence is
number →
fst is list<'_dr>,
The sequence prefix of length n.
snd is list<'_dr>
Elements of the sequence starting from the nth element.
Splits a given sequence into two parts, returning first n elements as fst and the rest as snd field. Full sequence is returned as list in the fst field, if n is equal or greater than the length of the sequence (and snd will be empty list in this case).
n-position of the split
sequence-list or array to split


 splitAt n sequence = {
     fst = take n sequence,
     snd = drop n sequence
splitBy predicate sequence is
('_ds → boolean) →
fst is list<'_ds>,
Elements from start of the sequence that do not satisfy the predicate.
snd is list<'_ds>
Reminder of the sequence.
Splits a given sequence into two parts, putting elements from the start of the sequence into fst as long as the predicate function is false for a given element. The rest of the sequence is returned as snd field.
predicate-predicate function
sequence-a list or array to split
sum sequence is list?<number> → number,
Returns the arithmetic sum of a finite sequence of numbers. Zero is returned for an empty sequence.
sequence-list or array of numbers


 sum = fold (+) 0;

For example, sum [1, 2, 3] is computed as 0 + 1 + 2 + 3.
tail sequence is list?<'dz> → list<'dz>,
Returns the tail of sequence consisting of all elements except the first (head) one. Using tail is equivalent to using drop 1.
sequence-the list or array to use


The tail function can be used on array. In this case a list view of array is returned, consisting of all elements starting from index 1 (subsequent applications of tail give views with increased start index). As the list view still references to the original array, it will change when the array is modified (use copy function to get an independent copy).
take n sequence is number → list?<'ea> → list<'ea>,
Returns first n elements of the sequence as a lazy list. All elements are returned, if n is equal or greater than the length of the sequence.
n-how many elements to take
sequence-initial list or array


The given sequence is lazily consumed as the result returned by take is consumed. If the sequence is a mutable array, and modified after appling the take function, the result of application is undefined.
takeWhile predicate sequence is ('eb → boolean) → list?<'eb> → list<'eb>,
Returns a lazy list containing longest prefix of the sequence, where the predicate function is true for all elements.
predicate-function used to check the sequence elements
sequence-list or array to use


The given sequence is lazily consumed as the result returned by takeWhile is consumed. If the sequence is a mutable array, and modified after appling the takeWhile function, the result of application is undefined.
Numeric functions
(%) dividend divisor is number → number → number,
Remainder of division of the integer part of dividend with integer part of divisor.
dividend-the number to divide
divisor-dividend is divided by divisor
(*) a b is number → number → number,
Arithmetic product of the values a and b.

The result may not be accurate when applied to rational numbers with very big numerator or denominator part as these overflow into double-precision floating point numbers.
a-first number
b-second number
(+) a b is number → number → number,
Arithmetic sum of the values a and b.

The result may not be accurate when applied to rational numbers with very big numerator or denominator part as these overflow into double-precision floating point numbers.
a-first number
b-second number
(-) minuend subtrahend is number → number → number,
Substracts subtrahend from minuend and returns the difference.

The result may not be accurate when applied to rational numbers with very big numerator or denominator part as these overflow into double-precision floating point numbers.
minuend-number to substract from
subtrahend-number to substract
(/) dividend divisor is number → number → number,
Divides dividend with divisor and returns the quotient.

The result is rational number, when integer values fitting into 32 bits are divided.

The result may not be accurate when applied to big integers or rational numbers with very big numerator or denominator part as these overflow into double-precision floating point numbers.
dividend-the number to divide
divisor-dividend is divided by divisor
abs value is number → number,
Returns the absolute value of the given numeric value.
value-a numeric value
acos value is number → number,
Returns the arc cosine of the given value in radians. The returned angle is in the range 0.0..pi. Implemented using Math#acos(value).
value-a numeric value
asin value is number → number,
Returns the arc sine of the given value in radians. The returned angle is in the range -pi/2..pi/2. Implemented using Math#asin(value).
value-a numeric value
atan value is number → number,
Returns the arc tangent of the given value in radians. The returned angle is in the range -pi/2..pi/2. Implemented using Math#atan(value).
value-a numeric value
b_and a b is number → number → number,
Returns bitwise AND of integer parts of arguments a and b.
a-first number
b-second number
b_or a b is number → number → number,
Returns bitwise OR of integer parts of arguments a and b.
a-first number
b-second number
cos angle is number → number,
Returns the trigonometric cosine of the given angle. Implemented using Math#cos(angle).
angle-an angle in radians
div dividend divisor is number → number → number,
Divides integer part of dividend with integer part of divisor and returns the integer part of quotient.
dividend-the number to divide
divisor-dividend is divided by integer part of divisor
exp power is number → number,
Returns constant e raised to the given power. Implemented using Math#exp(power).
power-a numeric value
hex number is number → string,
Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the integer part of the number.
number-the number to format


The following characters are used as digits:
int value is number → number,
Returns the integer part of the given value.
value-a numeric value


Current implementation expects that result fits into 64-bit signed integer (Long#MIN_VALUE..Long#MAX_VALUE).
ln value is number → number,
Returns natural logaritm (base e) of the given value. Implemented using Math#log(value).
value-a positive number (NaN is returned for negative values)
max a b is ^cr → ^cr → ^cr,
Returns the greater of the two ordered values a and b (the ordering is as defined by the (<) operator). The result is unspecified if one of the argument values is NaN.
a-first value
b-second value
min a b is ^cv → ^cv → ^cv,
Returns the smaller of the two ordered values a and b (the ordering is as defined by the (<) operator). The result is unspecified if one of the argument values is floating-point number NaN.
a-first value
b-second value
negate value is number → number,
Returns algebralic negation of argument value (negate value = -value).
value-value to negate
number string is string → number,
Converts the given string into a number and returns the result.
string-a string to parse as a number

Exceptions thrown

java.lang.NumberFormatException-when the argument string is not in a recognized numeric format


The string argument must be in one of the following formats:

1. Decimal integer of arbitrary size. The result will be integer number, values not fitting into 64-bit signed integer are internally stored using the BigInteger class.

2. Octal integer of arbitrary size with "0o" or "0O" as prefix. The result will be integer number.

3. Hexadecimal integer of arbitrary size with "0x" or "0X" as prefix. The result will be integer number.

4. Decimal number with fractional part after dot (for example 17.52). The result will rational number, if both numerator and denominator parts of decimal fraction can be expressed as 32-bit signed integers (exact value). Otherwise the result will be double-precision floating-point number (possibly inexact value).

5. Decimal number with exponent after 'e' or 'E' (for example 1.23e-3). Optional fractional part is separated with dot. The result will be double-precision floating-point number.

6. Decimal number with optional fractional part after dot and 'e' or 'E' at the end (for example 1e). The result will be double-precision floating-point number. This can be used to force creating a floating-point number instead of rational or integer number.

This set of formats is identical to the format of numeric literals in the Yeti source code. Preceding and trailing whitespace characters are removed before parsing.
pi is number,
Mathematical constant pi (nearest value to pi expressable as double precision floating point number).
randomInt limit is number → number,
Returns a pseudorandom integer value between 0 (inclusive) and the given limit (exclusive). All possible values are produced with approximately equal probability.
limit-the limit on the returned value (must be greater than zero)
round value is number → number,
Returns the closest integer to the given value. Implemented using Math#round(value).
value-a numeric value


Current implementation expects that result fits into 64-bit signed integer (Long#MIN_VALUE..Long#MAX_VALUE).
shl value count is number → number → number,
Shifts bit representation of integer part of the value to left by given count of bits and returns the result.
value-the value to shift
count-how much to shift
shr value count is number → number → number,
Shifts bit representation of integer part of the value to right by given count of bits and returns the result.
value-the value to shift
count-how much to shift
sin angle is number → number,
Returns the trigonometric sine of the given angle. Implemented using Math#sin(angle).
angle-an angle in radians
sqrt value is number → number,
Returns the positive square root of the given value. Implemented using Math#sqrt(value).
value-a positive number or zero (NaN is returned for negative values)
strOfInt base number is number → number → string,
Returns a string representation of the integer part of the number in the given base.
base-the base to use (must be in the range 2 to 36)
number-the number to format

Exceptions thrown

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException-Invalid base argument value


The following characters are used as digits:
tan angle is number → number,
Returns the trigonometric tangent of the given angle. Implemented using Math#tan(angle).
angle-an angle in radians
xor a b is number → number → number,
Returns bitwise XOR of integer parts of arguments a and b.
a-first number
b-second number
Regular expressions
(!~) haystack regex is string → string → boolean,
Returns true when regular expression has no match in the haystack string (and false if it has).
haystack-string where to search the given regex match
regex-string representing a regular expression


This operator is negation of the =~ operator and could be defined in the following way:
 (!~) haystack regex = not (haystack =~ regex)

The regular expression is compiled and matched using the java.util.regex implementation, and therefore uses the same (Perl regular expression compatible) syntax. Yeti compiler optimises usage of this operator when literal string is used as regex argument, so that the regex will be compiled only once into the java.util.regex.Pattern instance.


 if str !~ '\d' then
     println "'\(str)' has no number in it."
(=~) haystack regex is string → string → boolean,
Returns true when regular expression has a match in the haystack string (and false otherwise).
haystack-string where to search the given regex match
regex-string representing a regular expression


The regular expression is compiled and matched using the java.util.regex implementation, and therefore uses the same (Perl regular expression compatible) syntax. Yeti compiler optimises usage of this operator when literal string is used as regex argument, so that the regex will be compiled only once into the java.util.regex.Pattern instance.


 if str =~ '\d' then
     println "'\(str)' contains a number in it."
like regex string is string → string → () → array<string>,
Returns a function that searches for a regex match in the given string.
regex-string representing a regular expression
string-string where to search the given regex match


The returned function attempts to find next substring that matches the regex pattern, when applied to the unit value (). It returns array of captured groups from the regex match (including the whole matched substring as zeroth array element), or empty array, if no match could be found.

The regular expression is compiled and matched using the java.util.regex implementation, and therefore uses the same (Perl regular expression compatible) syntax. Yeti compiler optimises usage of this function when literal string is used as regex argument, so that the regex will be compiled only once into the java.util.regex.Pattern instance.


Repeated application of the returned function can be used to find all substrings matching the regex pattern in the given string:
 printMatches matcher =
    (match = matcher ();
     if not empty? match then
         println match[0];
         printMatches matcher;
 printMatches (like '\d+' '2012-08-23T04:11Z');

This will print all numbers from the ISO 8601 date:

The matches could be collected into list using the collect function:
 matches = collect (like '\d+' '2012-08-23T04:11Z') () empty?);
 println matches; // [["2012"], ["08"], ["23"], ["04"], ["11"]]

The returned function can be applied right away, if only first match is needed:
 date = '2012-08-23T04:11Z';
 case like '(\d+):(\d+)' date () of
 [_, hour, min]: println "Hour: \(hour), minutes: \(min)";
 _: println "No time found in the date string.";
matchAll regex onMatch onText string is
string →
(array<string> → 'cq) →
(string → 'cq) →
string →
Generates a lazy list by searching matches of given regex in the string.
regex-string representation of regular expression
onMatch-function to apply to the captured groups from matches
onText-function to apply to the non-matching substrings
string-string where to search the given regex matches


When a match is found, the onText function is applied to the text between previous match (or start of the string for first match) and matched substring, if this text isn't zero-length. The onMatch function is applied to an array composed of captured groups in the regex (implicit capture of whole matched substring is given as 0th element in the capture group array). The onText function is also applied to the end of the string after last match found, if the last match ends before.

The results of onText and onMatch applications are added to the resulting list in the same order as the corresponding substrings were in the processed string. This regex match searching and list construction is done lazily, as the returned list is consumed (so if you apply matchAll to long string containing many matches of the substring and use only head of the result, only the first match will be actually searched).

The regex is compiled and matched using the java.util.regex implementation, and therefore uses the same (Perl regular expression compatible) syntax. Yeti compiler optimises usage of this function when literal string is used as regex argument, so that the regex will be compiled only once into the java.util.regex.Pattern instance.


 for (matchAll '\d+' M T '2012-08-23T04:11Z') println;

Prints the following parts of this ISO 8601 date by matching number sequences:
 M ["2012"]
 T "-"
 M ["08"]
 T "-"
 M ["23"]
 T "T"
 M ["04"]
 T ":"
 M ["11"]
 T "Z"
strSplit regex string is string → string → array<string>,
Splits the string into substrings separated by matches of the regex, and returns array of the resulting substrings.
regex-string representing a regular expression
string-string to split


The matches of the regex are used as delimiters, and the substrings not matching the regex are returned in array in the order they were in the initial string. Empty substrings before matches are included in the returned array. Matches at the end of the given string won't add empty strings to the result.

The regex is compiled and matched using the java.util.regex implementation, and therefore uses the same (Perl regular expression compatible) syntax. Yeti compiler optimises usage of this function when literal string is used as regex argument, so that the regex will be compiled only once into the java.util.regex.Pattern instance.


 strSplit ';' ';a;foo;;;bar;;' == ["","a","foo","","","bar"]
substAll regex replacement haystack is string → string → string → string,
Returns a copy of the string, with each substring matching the regex substituded with the replacement string in the given haystack string.
regex-string representing a regular expression
replacement-a string to use as replacement
haystack-a original string to process


Matches of the given regex are searched sequentially from the beginning of haystack string and replaced with the given replacement string.

The replacement string can contain dollar signs ($) followed by decimal number (like $1, $2 etc), these will be replaced with text matched by corresponding group in the regex. $0 will be replaced with whole matched substring. Backslashes in replacement string escape the following code unit as a literal code unit (all occurrences of $ and \ meant to be literal symbols must be escaped this way).

The regex is compiled and matched using the java.util.regex implementation (Matcher#replaceAll() is used for substitution), and therefore uses the same (Perl regular expression compatible) syntax. Yeti compiler optimises usage of this function when literal string is used as regex argument, so that the regex will be compiled only once into the java.util.regex.Pattern instance. All strings represent UTF-16 code unit sequences (internally java.lang.String instances).


 substAll 'a(b*)' '$1' 'an abacus' == 'n bcus'
String functions
(^) a b is string → string → string,
Returns the result of concatenating strings a and b.
a-first string
b-second string


Using this operator is equivalent to the embedded string expression "\(a)\(b)" except for requiring the arguments to be of string type.
strCapitalize string is string → string,
Returns a copy of the string, with first character translated to uppercase. The string is returned unmodified, if this is not possible.
string-a string value
strChar string index is string → number → string,
Returns one UTF-16 code unit (Java char) from the string at the given index.
string-an UTF-16 encoded string (internally stored as java.lang.String)
index-a 0-based index of the code unit

Exceptions thrown

IndexOutOfBoundsException-if the index is negative or >= to the length of string
strEnds? string suffix is string → string → boolean,
Returns true when the given string ends with the specified suffix (and false otherwise).
string-a string value to test
suffix-the expected prefix suffix for the tested string value


Compiler optimises strEnds? applications into String#endsWith() calls.
strEqIgnoreCase is string → string → boolean,
Compares two strings ignoring case.
strIndexOf string substring from is string → string → number → number,
Finds the start position of the first occurrence of the substring in the given string, that is not before the from index.
string-the string to be searched
substring-the substring to search
from-the search starts from this index

Exceptions thrown

IndexOutOfBoundsException-if the from index is negative or greater than the length of string


The strings are UTF-16 encoded code unit sequences (internally stored as java.lang.String) with 0-based indexing. Compiler optimises strIndexOf applications into String#indexOf() calls.
strJoin separator list is string → list?<'dt> → string,
Joins string representations of list elements into a single string, with separator string insterted between each list element. The resulting string is returned.
separator-a string to be inserted between list elements
list-a list to be joined


 strJoin '; ' [1..5] == '1; 2; 3; 4; 5'


The string representations of list elements are idententical to those that would be returned by the string function.
 strJoin separator (map string list) == strJoin separator list
strLastIndexOf string substring from is string → string → number → number,
Finds the start position of the last occurrence of the substring in the given string, that is not after the from index.
string-the string to be searched
substring-the substring to search
from-the search starts from this index

Exceptions thrown

IndexOutOfBoundsException-if the from index is negative or greater than the length of string


The strings are UTF-16 encoded code unit sequences (internally stored as java.lang.String) with 0-based indexing. Compiler optimises strLastIndexOf applications into String#lastIndexOf() calls.
strLastIndexOf' string substring is string → string → number → number,
Finds the start position of the last occurrence of the substring in the given string. Same as strLastIndexOf string substring (strLength string).
string-the string to be searched
substring-the substring to search


The strings are UTF-16 encoded code unit sequences (internally stored as java.lang.String) with 0-based indexing, and compiler optimises strLastIndexOf applications into String#lastIndexOf() calls.
strLeft string end is string → number → string,
Returns the substring of given string, from the start of string until code unit at end index. Same as strSlice string 0 end.
string-an UTF-16 encoded string (internally stored as java.lang.String)
end-0-based index of the code unit ending returned slice (exclusive)

Exceptions thrown

IndexOutOfBoundsException-if the end index is negative or greater than the length of string


The basic multilingual (first) plane of unicode characters are represented as single code units in UTF-16.
strLeftOf substring string is string → string → string,
Returns the string prefix until the start of first occurrence of the specified substring in the given string (or undef_str, if the substring isn't part of the given string).
substring-the substring to search
string-the string to be searched


 strLeftOf 'at' 'potatos' == 'pot'
strLength string is string → number,
Returns the length (number of UTF-16 code units) of string.
string-an UTF-16 encoded string (internally stored as java.lang.String)


The basic multilingual (first) plane of unicode characters are represented as single code units in UTF-16, therefore strLength returns the count of unicode characters for strings containing only those characters. The java.lang.String length method works in the same way, and compiler optimizes strLength applications into String#length() calls.
strLower string is string → string,
Returns a copy of the string, with all uppercase letters translated to lowercase using the rules of the default locale.
string-a string value (internally stored as java.lang.String)


Compiler optimizes strLower applications into String#toLowerCase() calls.
strPad padding length string is string → number → string → string,
Returns string with padding added at the end, if the string length is shorter than the desired length. The padding is added as many times as required (but not more) to get result with length that is not shorter from the requested one. The original string is returned unmodified, if its length is greater or equal to the requested one.
padding-a padding string to append
length-desired result length
string-a string to be padded


 strPad '.' 10 'test' == 'test......'
strReplace needle replacement haystack is string → string → string → string,
Returns a copy of the string, with all occurences of the needle substring replaced with replacement string in the given haystack string.
needle-a string to search
replacement-a string to use as replacement
haystack-a original string to process


The needle and replacement strings are treated as literal substring, with no metacharacters. All strings represent UTF-16 code unit sequences (internally java.lang.String instances). All occurences of the needle subsequence starting from beginning of the string are replaced sequentially and the resulting string is returned.


 strReplace 'aba' '+' 'xabaabababax' == 'x++b+x'
strRight string start is string → number → string,
Returns the substring of given string, from code unit at start index until to the end of string. Same as strSlice string start (strLength string).
string-an UTF-16 encoded string (internally stored as java.lang.String)
start-0-based index of the code unit starting returned slice (inclusive)

Exceptions thrown

IndexOutOfBoundsException-if the start index is negative or greater than the length of string


The basic multilingual (first) plane of unicode characters are represented as single code units in UTF-16. Compiler optimises strRight applications into String#substring() calls.
strRightOf substring string is string → string → string,
Returns the string suffix starting from the end of last occurrence of the specified substring in the given string (or undef_str, if the substring isn't part of the given string).
substring-the substring to search
string-the string to be searched


 strRightOf 'at' 'potatos' == 'os'
strSlice string start end is string → number → number → string,
Returns the substring of given string, from code unit at start index until code unit at end index. The start and end indexes are 0-based.
string-an UTF-16 encoded string (internally stored as java.lang.String)
start-index of the code unit starting returned slice (inclusive)
end-index of the code unit ending returned slice (exclusive)

Exceptions thrown

IndexOutOfBoundsException-if start or end index is negative or > to the length of string, or start index is is greater than the end index


The basic multilingual (first) plane of unicode characters are represented as single code units in UTF-16. Compiler optimises strSlice applications into String#substring() calls.
strStarts? string prefix is string → string → boolean,
Returns true when the given string starts with the specified prefix (and false otherwise).
string-a string value to test
prefix-the expected prefix string for the tested string value


Compiler optimises strStarts? applications into String#startsWith() calls.
strTrim string is string → string,
Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
string-a string value (internally stored as java.lang.String)


Compiler optimizes strTrim applications into String#trim() calls. The argument instance is directly returned, if there is no whitespace to remove.
strUncapitalize string is string → string,
Returns a copy of the string, with first character translated to lowercase. The string is returned unmodified, if this is not possible.
string-a string value
strUpper string is string → string,
Returns a copy of the string, with all lowercase letters translated to uppercase using the rules of the default locale.
string-a string value (internally stored as java.lang.String)


Compiler optimizes strUpper applications into String#toUpperCase() calls.
string value is 'du → string,
Gives string representation of value.
value-value of any type


String values are returned unmodified. Numbers are formatted into decimal numbers. Rational and floating-point numbers are formatted using Double#toString(), which uses dot as decimal separator and uses scientific exponent notation for very small and big values, like 1.3E20.

Empty lists and the unit value can be internally represented by JVM null pointer, which is shown as null. Empty arrays are always shown as [].

Lists, hash maps, structures and variant values are formatted using Yeti syntax for them. The values of list/hash elements, structure fields and variant tag parameters are formatted in the same style recursively, with an exception for string values and null pointers. String element/field values are formatted as double-quoted ("string") Yeti string literals, and null pointers as [] (because empty list can be internally a null pointer). Arrays are formatted exactly like lists.

 string ()       // () is null pointer in runtime, result is "null"
 string {x = ()} // result is {x=[]}, as here () is a field value

Following the Yeti syntax, lists have comma-separated values surrounded by [] brackets, for example string list ["Hello", "World\n"]. Hash maps are similar, shown as a list of key: value pairs. Structures are shown as comma-separated list of field=value bindings surrounded by {} brackets, for example {a=33, s="something"}.

The string representation is obtained by calling the Java String#valueOf(value) method. The library implementation uses string literal embedded expression:
 string value =
This gets compiled down into the String#valueOf() call (as that is used by compiler on all embedded string expressions unless the expression type is already known to be string). The actual formatting described above is done by #toString() methods in the internal implementations of those data types.


num_strs = map string [1..10];

Gets list of numbers 1 to 10 as strings.
parseProperties string is string → hash<string, string>,
Parses properties string given in Java properties file format.
string-properties string to parse


This requires JDK 1.6 or newer to work.
Miscellaneous functions
(->) object key is {.(->) is 'c → 'd} → 'c → 'd,
Generic structure-object reference operator. It gets a (->) field from the object, applies it to the key argument and returns the result.
object-a structure with (->) field
key-name or id of the referenced value


The implementation is simply the following:
 (->) object key =
     object.``->`` key;

This means that the -> operator works with any structure that defines the (->) member function. The compiler gives the -> operator highest priority (same as structure field reference (.), and object field reference (#)), therefore the -> with custom-defined meaning can be easily used in row with those other field reference operators.
(.) f g is ('e → 'f) → ('g → 'e) → 'g → 'f,
Function composition - (f . g) x is same as f (g x). Composes unary f and g into single function, where f is applied to the result of application of g (to argument).
f-first function
g-second function


 printLength = print . length;
 printLength [4,5,6]; // prints 3

This is equivalent to:
 printLength x = print (length x);
 printLength [4,5,6]; // prints 3
(|>) value function is 'ei → ('ei → 'ej) → 'ej,
Application in reverse order. Expression (value |> function) is equivalent to (function value).
value-value given as argument to the function
function-function to apply


The |> operator can be used to pipe value of expression through multiple functions. Calls to |> are usually inlined into direct application by Yeti compiler (if possible). Due to low priority (just above type operators is and as) the parenthesis around function and argument expressions can be omitted usually.


 a = iterate (+ 1) 0 |> take 5 |> map (*2);

is same as:
 a = map (*2) (take 5 (iterate (+ 1) 0));

both resulting with a = [0,2,4.6,8].
atomic initial is
't →
compareAndSet expected updated is 't → 't → boolean,
Atomically set the value to the given updated value, if the current value is the expected instance.
expected-value expected to be in the reference
updated-a new value to set
swap updated is 't → 't,
Atomically sets the updated value and returns the old value.
updated-a new value to set
var value is 't
Creates a new thread-safe atomic reference with the initial value set.
initial-the initial value for the reference structure value field
base64Decode data is string → list<number>,
Decodes BASE64 encoded data into byte list and returns the result.
data-BASE64 encoded data
base64Encode bytes is list<number> → string,
Encodes list of bytes as BASE64 string and returns the result.
bytes-bytes to encode
const x is 'ai → 'aj → 'ai,
K combinator - returns constant function \x (which returns value of the (first) argument x).
x-value to be returned by resulting function (const x () is same as x).
defined? value is 'aq → boolean,
Checks whether given value is defined, and returns true when it is. Undefined values are JVM null pointer, undef_str and undef_bool.
value-value to check


The unit value () is internally represented by JVM null pointer, and therefore defined? () is false.

Empty lists are often also considered to be undefined because of being represented by null pointer (but empty arrays are not). You should use empty? to detect empty lists.
failWith message is string → 'ay,
Fail evaluation with given error message by throwing FailureException.
message-error message used as exception description

Exceptions thrown

flip function x y is ('bb → 'bc → 'bd) → 'bc → 'bb → 'bd,
Applies function to two arguments in reverse order. Useful for swapping binary functions arguments.
function-function to apply
x-second argument to give to the function
y-first argument to give to the function


 flip function x y = function y x;

The result of applying flip to binary function is a function that takes its two arguments in the reverse order of the original function.


The (>) operator could be defined in the terms of (<) using flip.
 (>) = flip (<);
id is 'bm → 'bm,
Identity function (I combinator). The argument value will be returned as is (id x = x).
lazy promise is (() → '_bx) → () → '_bx,
Memoizes the promise function with unit argument and returns the memoized function.
promise-a function taking () as argument, used as encapsulation of an expression


The application of lazy results in memoized promise, which in essence is a suspension of lazily evaluated expression. The evaluation can be forced by applying this memoized promise to unit value (). The result of evaluation is saved and returned, when it is forced and successfully evaluated first time, and later applications of the memoized function will return the saved result.

If the evaluation fails to return a result, throwing an exception instead, then subsequent attempt to force evaluation by applying the memoized promise will cause a re-evaluation of the promise function (by applying it again to the ()).

Successful evaluation of the original promise may happen multiple times, if done concurrently as a race in multiple threads.


 lazy_sum = lazy \(sum [1..100000000]);
 println (lazy_sum ());
 println (lazy_sum ());

Here the sum of the large range will be calculated only on the first application of lazy_sum. The second application returns the result from first application.
maybe default function option is 'cs → ('ct → 'cs) → (None. 'cu | Some. 'ct) → 'cs,
Returns the default value, when the option is None _, and result of applying the function to the Some parameter value, when the option is Some value.
default-value to return, when the option argument is None _
function-function to apply to value, when the option argument is Some value
option-a variant Some value | None _
none is None (),
Short-hand constant for None () value.
nullptr? value is 'cx → boolean,
Check whether given value is a JVM null pointer, and returns true when it is.
value-value to check


Use defined? instead, unless you really know what you're doing. The low-level check done by nullptr? may behave unexpectedly together with some conversions done by Yeti compiler (for example nullptr? (System#getenv('???')) is always false).
on f g is
('cy → 'cy → 'cz) →
('da → 'cy) →
'da →
'da →
Binary function composition. Composes binary f and unary g so that arguments to f are transformed by applying g.
f-binary function
g-unary function used to transform arguments to f


 on f g x y = f (g x) (g y)


 list = [{name="X",v=6},{name="A",v=33}];
 sorted = sort (on (<) (.name)) list;

The list is sorted by name structure field.
pair fst snd is 'db → 'dc → {fst is 'db, snd is 'dc},
Constructs a pair structure containing arguments fst and snd as fields.
fst-first field (fst) to the structure
snd-second field (snd) to the structure
peekObject value is
'dd →
('de is
Boolean boolean |
Hash hash<'de, 'de> |
List list<'de> |
Number number |
Object ~java.lang.Object |
String string |
Struct {fields is list<string>, value is string → 'de} |
Variant {tag is string, value is 'de}
Access any value at runtime. Returns variant tagged with values runtime type.

The peekObject function may not be always accurate, as full type information is not available at runtime (for example empty list is indistinguishable from (), element types of empty collections remain unknown and function types cannot be determined).
value-value to peek into
stackTraceString exception is ~java.lang.Throwable → string,
Returns as a formatted string the exception message and stack trace.
exception-an exception to format


The exception is formatted using the exception#printStackTrace(writer) method. On most JVM library implementations this results in a string separated into multiple lines by the "\n" line feed symbol, with first line containing the exception name and message, and rest being method and source file names from the call stack that was active when the Throwable instance was created.


 java -jar yeti.jar -e "stackTraceString new Exception('TEST')"
 java.lang.Exception: TEST
         at code.apply(<>:1)
         at yeti.lang.compiler.eval._1(eval.yeti:85)
         at yeti.lang.compiler.eval.execClass(eval.yeti:63)
         at yeti.lang.compiler.eval$evaluateYetiCode$._0(eval.yeti:353)
         at yeti.lang.compiler.eval$evaluateYetiCode$.apply(eval.yeti:330)
         at yeti.lang.Fun2_.apply(Unknown Source)
         at yeti.lang.compiler.yeti.main(yeti.yeti:193)
synchronized monitor block is 'dx → (() → 'dy) → 'dy,
Acquires an intrinsic monitor lock on behalf of the executing thread, applies the block to (), then releases the lock. It is equivalent to executing the block in Java synchronized block.
monitor-object that is used for the lock (value of any type can be use as long as nullptr? monitor is false)
block-function that is applied while the monitor lock is hold

Exceptions thrown

java.lang.NullPointerException-when monitor is a JVM null pointer


 var nameCount = 0;
 var lastName = '';

addName name = synchronized addName do: lastName := name; nameCount := nameCount + 1; done;

The addName function is used as a monitor here.
threadLocal initial is
(() → '_ec) →
var value is '_ec,
wipe is () → ()
Clears the thread-local variable.
Creates a structure with writable property field (value), that acts like being an independent instance for each thread accessing it.
initial-function returning initial value for the structures value field (when applied to ())


The returned structure has a property field named value. Reading the field gives the latest value assigned to it by the same thread (or the result of appling initial argument that was given to the threadLocal function, if the reading thread has never assigned another value to the field). Assigning a new value to the field changes it only for the assigning thread.

The value associated with thread can be removed by calling the .wipe function field from the structure. Accessing the value field after that causes new application of the initial function.


Internal implementation uses the java.lang.ThreadLocal class.
throw exception is ~java.lang.Throwable → 'ed,
Throws the given exception. Equivalent to the Java throw operator. As the exception is thrown, the function never returns normally.
exception-exception instance to be thrown

Exceptions thrown

NullPointerException-This is thrown if the given exception is Java null pointer.


 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad example");
utf8 is string,
String constant for the UTF-8 charset ("UTF-8").
withExit block is (('eg → 'eh) → 'eg) → 'eg,
Provides a return function for a block.
block-a function to apply


Creates a return function and applies the given block to it. When the return function is applied to some value, it causes the withExit application to return with this value (stopping the block execution). The return function may be applied only during the withExit application. If applied later, an IllegalStateException is thrown, with message indicating an exit out of scope error.


The withExit function can be useful, when early return from some code is desired.
 processItems l =
     withExit do return:
         for l do v:
             if not process v then
                 return (Bad v)
         Ok ()


The withExit return works internally by throwing and catching a special Error instance, that for efficiency is constructed without stack trace.

Be careful with lazy lists, for example:
 withExit do e: 1 :. \(e []) done
fails with exit out scope error, when the resulting lazy list is used.
yetiRuntimeVersion is string
Yeti version string.


Don't try simple string comparision on it. At least convert it to number list with something like:
 map number (strSplit '\D+' yetiRuntimeVersion) >= [0,9]